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Why Use Astaxanthin Supplements
A carotenoid, or naturally occurring
is present in
Astaxanthin is produced by one kind
of algae. Astaxanthin is extracted
from this alga and utilized in dietary
astaxanthin, a marine antioxidant.
Because of its five times greater
impact than carotene, which is found
in carrots and contains 6,000 times more vitamin C, it is referred to as the king of
Benefits of Astaxanthin Supplements
Antioxidants include astaxanthin. In other words, it aids in reducing oxidation, a
normal bodily activity. Many illnesses and changes, including aging, cancer, heart
disease, eye conditions like cataracts and macular degeneration, Alzheimer's disease,
Parkinson's disease, and others, may be influenced by this process. In fact, astaxanthin
can be utilized as an internal sunscreen, enhancing the skin's ability to block out UV
light and assisting in the maintenance of a normal inflammatory response. In addition
to assisting in UV resistance, the powerful antioxidant astaxanthin can also aid in the
healing process.
Furthermore, astaxanthin might lessen inflammation. It might be helpful as a
treatment for conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, etc. that
include inflammation.
Astaxanthin-producing algal extract was discovered in laboratory studies to inhibit the
growth of breast and skin cancer cells. The heart may benefit from astaxanthin in a
number of other ways as well. It might be useful in avoiding the buildup of plaque in
the heart's arteries. It might also aid in preventing the heart muscle from being harmed
by an oxygen shortage. At the time of a heart attack, this may occur. Moreover, it may
guard against Alzheimer's and Parkinson's illnesses by lowering oxidation in the
In terms of heart health, astaxanthin can support healthy blood pressure, maintain
healthy levels of low-density lipoprotein and glycerol triglycerides, and raise levels of
high-density lipoprotein. Moreover, it might help prevent diabetic kidney damage.
Moreover, it might boost the immunological system.
Astaxanthin in particular is well known for its role in maintaining eye health. Taking
astaxanthin supplements can help the eyes recuperate from prolonged screen usage
and preserve normal visual function.
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