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What Are Nutrition Enhancers
Nutrition enhancers
are agents adding one or more nutrients to food according to the
needs of human nutrition, or some natural foods to improve the value of food nutrition.
Add nutrients, or substances containing nutrients, are called food nutritional
enhancers. Nutrition enhancers can make up for the defects of natural food, which is
conducive to the balance of nutrition. At the same time, it can also maintain the
natural nutritional characteristics of food. At the same time, it can also simplify the
treatment of diet and increase convenience.
Nutrition enhancers can be divided into three categories:
There are vitamins that are soluble in water and those that are soluble in fat. A, D, E,
and K vitamins are fat-soluble vitamins. Additionally, humans frequently lack
vitamins A and D, which is why they must be fortified.
It cannot be produced by the body, and the metabolic process will not make it go.
However, the body excretes a specific quantity of waste each day, necessitating the
need for nutritional supplements. The diet can meet the body's demands for many
different types of minerals, but only a few, like calcium, iron, and iodine, are
Acids Amino
Nine essential amino acids must be obtained from food when the body cannot
manufacture them or cannot produce them in sufficient amounts. Cereal primarily
lacks lysine, and meat, milk, and beans have lower methionine contents. Therefore,
lysine and methionine, which may also comprise threonine and tryptophan, are the
key foods that need to be enhanced.
Benefits of Nutrition Enhancers
Nutrition enhancers can fill up any natural nutritional gaps in addition to increasing
the number of nutrients in food to meet nutrient requirements. In order to fulfill the
goals of special diets and health, food nutrition enhancers can also be used to
supplement some nutrients in particular.
Food nutrition enhancers have the power to improve food's nutritional value while
also reducing and preventing a number of nutritional deficiencies and the
consequences that can arise from them. Some food nutrition boosters also affect the
storage and organoleptic quality of food.
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